The truck will be able transport physical items in short distances, but unfortunately sim crosses make the load falling out of the vehicle. The basic version built of 28 prims, the driver and
passenger has nice comfy seats in the cockpit, and if necessary, one person might be transported in the back on the bench.
There will be a simple personal version as well, with shorter wheelbase, and able to carry 4 avatars around SL. In the future we are planning a website based system, where all cars data will be collected and transferred to Mechanical Repair stations, where the damaged vehicles might be repaired if necessary.
This repair station will be on the market soon, with additional repair tools like compressor for wheels, and wrenches and spare parts to make right the damaged parts. Damage and petrol/steam consumption will be calculated via scripts.
In the final state we are planning to create fire car, emergency car and tow car for any possible traffic and accident circumstances. Please visit our shop in the next few weeks about the basic versions of the truck and car, and if you like them, check back frequently about the system versions, or join our support group to get information about the newest releases of our products!